What is the Judicial Profile?
The Judicial Profile is an overall framework which provides a picture of what is required of those to be appointed to judicial office.
The Areas of the Profile
The framework of the profile includes two overarching areas: ‘Skills & Attributes’ and ‘Behaviours and Effectiveness’.
The Criteria within the Profile
Skills & Attributes includes three distinctive criteria: Knowledge and Expertise, Intellectual Capacity and Exercising Judgement. These describe what judicial office holders should do well and their typical characteristic features.
Behaviours & Effectiveness also includes three distinct criteria: Collaborating Effectively, Communicating Effectively and Managing Effectively. These describe how judicial office holders should act and how successful they are at achieving the desired outcomes.
The Elements under each Criteria
These criteria each include a variety of elements which applicants are required to address in order to be deemed suitable for appointment to judicial office. Some of those elements may apply across all offices and some may apply only to one or a few offices.
Examples of those elements include: Quickly absorbs and analyses information and extracts the relevant facts (under intellectual Capacity) and Recognises and respects the diversity of communities and understands different needs (under Collaborating Effectively).
Within the Judicial Profile framework the list of Elements under each Criteria is not exhaustive. Individual Selection Committees can include, if required by the nature of the specific role being recruited to, new elements not previously identified.
Creation of The Person Specification
The Person Specification is created for each individual role by the Selection Committee. Each Selection Committee will examine the Judicial Profile framework to determine the criteria to be used and against which merit will be determined.
The range of criteria and elements selected from The Judicial Profile framework will take place under the guidance of NIJAC. The resulting Person Specification will set out for the Selection Committee and applicants the requirements for that judicial office. Many requirements will be shared across judicial offices but no two Person Specifications may be the same.
Further resources have been produced including a guide, infographic and two information videos.
Potential applicants are advised to read the material provided and access the videos to familiarise themselves with the new approach and how it will affect Assessment and Selection.